bitter 16 to SWEET 16

At first, i thought my birthday would be unhappy. This week, I am so sad and easy to cry.
I made a very short evaluation about my days before my birthday. I titled it "4 Days Before my Birthday". All the summarizations are negative.

All of my sadness faded because of my parents simple surprise and because of his presence.

I was about to knock on our steel gate when I noticed that all the lights were off. I felt sorry. Thinking that my family forgot everything and they just fell asleep with any small celebration or just a blowing of a candle on a cake.

As I entered, I only saw my youngest sister. Then, she opened the light and they sang a happy birthday while my mom's holding a camera, shooting me. Hahaha.
My younger sister was not here when we celebrated my birthday. She's on a camp. I was so sorry because we're not complete.

We ate! Yey. My favorite part :D

Here's my cake. I took its picture first before slicing it ;)

yummy. :)

After eating a lot, I checked out my facebook account. Whoah. Many greeted me a happy birthday. Saying "thank you" is all I replied to them.

HIS blessings overflows and HIS mercy endures forever! The no. of pipol hu greeted you is the proof that you, in whatever small way, have become a blessing in their lives.
You are blessed!
You are a blessing!
-kuya norman

yah. i'm a blessing. :)
