The Paparazzi

Tag. Tag. Tag. Paparazzis tag EVERYONE. No one and no photo is spared, whether it's you looking like a rock star or a hangover-ed you puking your guts out. Not even the shiny, oily faced pics are safe, nor the shut eye shots. How now do you explain the "study group" in a bar with booze all around?
The Filterless

Do we really need to know that you are on your way to buy constipation meds because th last time you took a dump was 2 weeks ago when you excreted that reddish brown dragon-shaped poop? Please, all boundaries of privacy are breached with these too-much-information updates. Uhmmm, thanks for sharing, but please just keep it to yourself.
The Pseudo-Mysterious

"Someday, you'll see..." "And the circle is complete" "I I days!" The Pseudo-Mysterious go for the mysterious and attractive image but end up being merely non-sensical and IRRITATING. Beware, these lines are a ploy to get your attention for you to comment back.
The Herald

Also known as the "Town Crier", the Herald is the reason why most of us learn of breaking news through online social networks, not legitimate news media. In their rush to trumpet the news, these people have at one time or another, "killed" celebrities, "broken up" couples, etc.
The Ghost

Despite being rarely visible online, without any status updates, no messages on people's walls, and no photo uploads, the Ghost will surprise you by mentioning your recent update or your tagged picture. They are creepily up-to-date with your posts. Also known as "Peeping Tom".
The Gamer

The updates and invites to MafiaVille from the Gamer is never ending. There is no game nor quiz nor meme this person has passed on. The Gamer is usually the addictive personality type.
Ken Nutspel

Yes, the number of characters for posting is limited, but "out" and "owt" have the same number of charaters, so does "hello" and "helow". The keyboard has all letters, including the vowels. Pleez, stup tortring us wit d misin letrs. U jaz mek urslf sound stoopid.
The Autobiographer

"Just woke up". "took a shower". "Brushed my teeth". "Had a bacon for breakast". "Traffic on the road". Sibling of the "Filterless", the Autobiographer, just has to broadcast each and every detail of his day to all his 400+ friends. No action is too mundane for anyone to miss.
Poor Baby

The Poor Baby, also known as the "Sympathy-Baiter", writes pitiful posts in hopes of baiting concerned responses. "Could really use some good news right now" "Feeling down and out today." "Sad..." The pleas for attention are signs that these self-pity-ers should be avoided like a plauge. The Poor Baby is a close cousin of the "Pseudo-Mysterious".
The Rash

The Rash will follow you around and comment on EACH AND EVERYTHING that you do or say. It doesn't matter whether a comment is necessary or not. These people just need to have a say and the last word on everything.
The SuperFan

The SuperFan clogs up one's newsfeed with multiple daily updates of what he has become a fan of in the last hour. "became a fan of sneakers", "became a fan of the SuperFan", "became a fan of rice". ANNOYING. We get it, you're a Superfan. Do we really care?
The Politician

On average, one has 120 friends on a social networking site. Ok, social butterflies might probably have 300 to 400 friends. But, hello? 1,000 friends? Unless you're the mayor or a showbiz celebrity, no one has that many friends. The Politician accumulates most of his "friends" by going thru other's pages and "friend-ing" perfect strangers. Also called "Friend-Padder" or "Friend Addict".
So, sino ka sa kanila? hahaha.
Kung ako ang tatanungin, ako si The Politician at si The SuperFan. :D
Source: Stradmore Notes. :)