boy meets girl

I'm currently reading this wonderful book. Its title is "Boy Meets Girl by Joshua Harris". I've just borrowed it from my classmate. Thanks for my curiosity and for my being "reading-lover" that pushed me to borrow it. It's title attracted me to read it. Actually, this book tells about "saying hello to courtship". Naaaah. I know what you're thinking. You're thinking that I want to learn how to court? Hahaha. Nope!

I really love its contents. Very inspiring and uplifting! I just love Chapter 9: True Love Doesn't Just Wait (How to be Passionately in Love and Sexually Pure), Chapter 11: Are You Ready for Forever?, and Chapter 12: That Day (Living and Loving in Light of Eternity).

" God doesn't excuse our sin because we're in love and "no one is being hurt". Those words are really true. After reading it, an ouchy feeling came over me. If you're thinking that this book is for adults only, I would say that you're wrong. Hmmm. I think it's applicable for us - teenagers. It's an eye-opener and a mind-opener for us, who's in love, on what true love is. Some of us didn't recognize lust from love. I agree on that.

As I read this book, I'm learning many lessons that I should apply in my life. I do hope I can apply them easily.. :)

go for the change!
