Here it goes...
This was happened at our school. In our classroom. I don't know why we were still having our class even it's so late in the evening. I think it was 8:00 pm. Class ended. We stay inside our classroom for eating our dinner. Weird.
While resting, (I don't know if we're about to leave) a chubby guy, wearing a "sando" and a jersey shorts entered our room. His aged is playing between 16-18 years old. Without everybody's idea, this chubby guy have a gun tucked in his shorts. He immediately grab his gun at declared a hold-up. what?!
Everybody shrieket but the chubby guy commanded us to stay calm and never create any noise that can caught attention of the people outside. He asked for our gadgets & money, as a hold-upper always do. I didn't gave anything because I don't have anything. After handling our, I mean "their", properties, he fired his gun to everyone of us! Massacre!
Fortunately, I survived! *I Will Survive by Gloria Gaynot began to play! XD*
I saw myself slept in that horrible crime. I saw my classmates' corpse! OMG! I also saw the chubby guy, eating my classmate's food, staring at me!
He was still staring at me while he walked slowly towards me. I got nervous. Then, he pointed his gun infront of me and shoot it! I can feel the pain. Really! I can feel the pain even it was just a dream! The bullet sunk down into my tummy but no blood, neither a drop of blood came out from my body.
The chubby guy ran away! I stood up and went outside and I saw that the sun shone up. Morning. I walked hurriedly to the nearest hospital. I can't run! I saw my family. They've just glanced at me. They didn't offer any help! That was the thing that made me feel more pain - more than shooted by a gun. Tears fell from my eyes.
I don't know what's the meaning of that dream. I think it's a bad sign.
I hope it's not! *cross-fingers*